Text Chemistry Review – The #1 Texting Mistake Women Make!


Has a man ever ignored your text message? This is typically the first sign he’s pulling away from you… but there’s a secret “Attention Text” that you can send him to send a shiver up his spine, make him commit to you…

A relationship guru Amy North explains how she discovered this secret “Attention Text” that makes a man think about you non-stop to the point of pure obsession…

…it makes him think about devotion. Love. And if used properly, even marriage. Sound unbelievable?

Once you use this text on a man, he’ll never ignore your text messages again, and he will begin to feel a deep, tingling sensation every single time he gets a message from you… as if he had gotten the sweetest Christmas present ever!

This text uses a powerful psychological technique that Hollywood screenwriters use in their movies to hook an audience in… and you can use this technique to make him worship you until the end of your days.

The second you send this text to a man, don’t be surprised if he becomes strangely drawn to you (for reasons he won’t be able to explain).

And don’t be surprised if that man who’s been distant in your life begins calling you, texting you, and telling you how he’s ready to commit to you… forever and always.

You simply have to keep reading my Text Chemistry Review if you want to make a man desperate for you with this text…


Amy North is a dating & relationship coach, Youtuber, and best-selling author from Vancouver, Canada.

She specializes in helping women from around the world find and keep the man of their dreams. Amy’s acclaimed online programs, Text Chemistry and The Devotion System, have sold nearly 100,000 copies and are widely considered to be among the best and most comprehensive women’s dating guides on the planet


Text Chemistry is a brand new ClickBank dating/relationship offer for women.

After teaching women to create and use text messages for the past 2 years and achieving many successes, Amy has put together a complete guide for women on texting men… Including hundreds of Attention Hooks to grab and hold his attention so he can’t stop thinking about you when you’re not around… Puts his love and obsession for you into overdrive so he’s 100% devoted to you. She calls this incredible new online program “Text Chemistry”

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You can learn from Text Chemistry and send simple but powerful ‘desire’ text messages to a man to make him fall in love and commit to you. These magical texts work even if you don’t think you’re naturally beautiful, intelligent, or charming… because these messages are like discovering a magical dictionary of obsession.

More than that, Text Chemistry isn’t difficult to understand and apply… so you won’t be spending hours on end trying to figure out how to use this system. It’s so strangely easy to use that all you have to do is sit back… send the messages… and watch as a man’s mind, body, and soul reaches a point of complete obsession for you… forever and always.

Target Audience: Women who are chronically single / Women who continually date men who quickly grow cold and withdraw or refuse to commit / Women who are dating a man that has grown cold and who they worry is about to break up with them.


Here’s what you will receive:

  • 50,000-word professionally-designed e-book available in PDF, ePUB, and MOBI formats
  • 13-part live-person video series
  • Bundle of 3 bonus PDFs, each 30-40 pages in length
  • 1 audio interview (unadvertised bonus).

Here’s a short preview of what you’ll learn:

  • ⭐#1. Do men ignore your messages?

Learn how you can use my crazily effective technique that will make him text you back instantly and always… no matter what. You’ll never have to feel ignored or rejected again.

  • ⭐#2. You’ll learn about my patented “E-Glow Text”

…Once you send a man these words, you’ll prevent his mind from ever wandering too far away from you… his brain will be hardwired to love you and adore you no matter the hardships you will face. (pg. 30)

  • ⭐#3. Do you want your ex back?

Use my “Satellite Text” to instantly make him regret the breakup… and force him to fight for a second chance at love with you. You’ll be surprised at how quickly he becomes enamored by the thought of a second chance! (pg. 21)

  • ⭐#4. Do you feel like your relationship has become stale and boring?

Use my “Game On” and “Supernova” text messages to fill his body with the kind of nervous excitement that he felt when he first saw you… and the best part about these texts? That feeling of excitement will NEVER leave his body too! (pg. 23)

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  • ⭐#5. Do you want to have the power to infuse your man’s mind…

…with passionate thoughts about you whenever you want? Use my “Tantalizing Seduction” text messages to incite the kind of ravenous desire that you only see in
movies like 50 Shades of Grey… within no time, he’ll be staring deeply into your eyes, holding your hips close to his, and fantasizing about what he’s going to do to you…tonight. (pg. 25)

  • ⭐#6. I’ll give you my simple ‘cheat sheet’…

…that will give you the ability to analyze his text messages and interpret a man’s true feelings to figure out what he REALLY means. You’ll never have to guess what he’s trying to say ever again.

  • ⭐#7. Are you worried that your boyfriend won’t ever propose to you?

Use my “Crystal Ball” text messages to send subliminal messages that will cause him to crave marriage, family, and lifelong commitment. Don’t believe me? Then you clearly have never tried to send these powerful texts! (pg. 20)

  • ⭐#8. Not seeing him for a while?

I’ll teach you how you can harness your text messages to make him feel a burst of excitement and lust … and he’ll be counting down the days until he gets to feel you in his arms again.

  • ⭐#9. You’ll learn when to send what I call “love potion” photos…

…and no, I don’t mean sexting him cute photos of you in your underwear! I’ll give you a number of silly little images that you can send to make him feel even more lustful towards you.

  • ⭐#10. Use my “Big Bang” text message to make his body tingle with desire for you…

…to the point where he will be blowing up your phone just to hear the sound of your voice… and he’ll be making up silly excuses to see you as soon as he can! (pg. 31)

  • ⭐#11. You’ll learn a way to talk to a man on the phone…
  • ⭐#12. And once you use messages like my “Shooting for The Stars” text…

… he’ll be absolutely blind to every other woman in his life… so if you’re worried that he’ll leave you for another woman, or worse, cheat on you, then using text messages like this will create an environment of monogamous love… where every moment that he gets to spend with you will be his happiest, foreve…that will make the hairs on the back of his head stand… he’ll be so eager to please you and do anything he has to just to put a smile on your face.
r and always. (pg. 32)

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And so much more! This doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface…


  • Suitable for all female audiences, regardless of relationship status.
  • Text Chemistry isn’t difficult to understand and apply
  • Easy to use
  • Everything is practical, not far from reality
  • Increase your chance of finding love
  • Packed with dozens of sample texts that are tailored to specific situations
  • Get you covered with the Triple Text System that men are powerless to resist
  • There’re many testimonials


  • It’s a digital-only product so if you want the physical version, you will need to print it.
  • It’s not for everyone. Some of the modules might not work for you. It’ll depend on your personal character.


Heard enough? Well then… now I gotta ask you just one simple question:

–Are you READY?

–Are you ready to have men STOP ignoring your text messages?

–…are you READY to have men line up just to ask you out on a date?

–…and are you READY to have that one, special guy treat you like the queen that you are… to worship and love you until the end of your days?

If you’re still here, then I’m going to assume the answer is YES…

All you have to do is scroll down and click the “Add to Cart” button to immediately begin using these secret messages that women would kill to get their hands on.

You’ll be able to use cutting-edge psychological techniques that will force men to dream about you in ways that you thought only existed in your fantasies… and you will experience that storybook ending that you thought about since you were a child.

Finally, thank you for reading my Text Chemistry Review


And to sweeten the pot a little to make sure that this is an absolute NO BRAINER for you… There’re 3 incredible bonuses added that are included for FREE when you purchase Text Chemistry program today: